【数学学院】Aumann’s Core Equivalence Theorem and its Generalizations

  • 日期:2018-10-09        来源:四川大学数学学院         点击数:

学 术 报 告

报告题目:Aumann’s Core Equivalence Theorem and its Generalizations

报告人:新西兰Auckland University of Technology,Cao Jiling教授

内容摘要:In 1964, Robert J. Aumann proved his celebrated core equivalence theorem, whichstates that the set of core

allocations in an atomless economy is identical to the set of Walrasian equilibrium allocations.Here, the 

non-atomicity captures the notion that each trader is insignificant when compared to the whole. The profound    

significance of this result is that our models of such an economy can be organized so that if its traders are 

coordinated by prices, then there is no group that can organize its own holdings so as to make itself better off.

In the past 50 years, many authors have been trying to extend Aumann’s core equivalence theorem. In this talk, I 

will present and discuss several of its generalizations, including some of my recent research work in this 





