【数学学院】Multiple Forced Rotational Solutions for the Planar N-pendulum Equation

  • 日期:2018-09-12        来源:四川大学数学学院         点击数:

Multiple Forced Rotational Solutions for the Planar  N-pendulum Equation

乔晖 博士


时间:2018. 09. 15(星期六)

上午09 : 40-10 : 15

地点:数学学院 东212


In this talk, we present a result of $(N-N_{0}+1)2^{N_0}$ noncontractible periodic orbits of any given rotational vector with zero 

components and small period for the planar forced $N$-pendulum equation, where $N_0$ denotes the number of zero components of the given 

rotational vector. In this result, we make special arrangements for masses and length instead of the nondegenerate assumption. Moreover, 

for rotational vectors with identical components, similar results are also obtained.
