【数学学院】Resonance identities of closed orbits in Hamiltonian dynamics and applications

  • 日期:2018-09-12        来源:四川大学数学学院         点击数:

Resonance identities of closed orbits in Hamiltonian dynamics  and applications

刘会 副教授


时间:2018. 09. 15(星期六)

上午09 : 00-09: 35

地点:数学学院 东212


Resonance identities of closed orbits in Hamiltonian dynamics are powerful tools to study the multiplicity and stability problems of    

closed orbits. In recent years, we have established some new resonance identities of closed characteristics on  compact star-shaped 

hypersurfaces and non-contractible closed geodesics on the Finsler compact space forms, which are successfully used to obtain new results 

on multiplicity and stability of closed characteristics and closed geodesics. In this talk, I will give a survey of our results. These are

joint works with Huagui Duan, Yiming Long, Wei Wang and Yuming Xiao.
